Pesukei dezimra (Aramaic: ืคืกืืงื ืืืืจื, P'suqแบฟ dh'zimra "hymnal verses") or zemirot, as they are called in the Spanish and Portuguese tradition, are a group of prayers that are recited daily during Jewish morning services. The prayers consist of various blessings, psalms, and sequences of verses.
The purpose of pesukei dezimra is so an individual will recite praises of God prior to making requests of God which take place later during Shacharit and throughout the day.[1]
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Initially, pesukei dezimra consisted of only psalms 145-150, initiated by Rabbi Jose in the 2nd century.[2] For a long time, these prayers remained optional. But Maimonides said that prayer should be recited in an upbeat mood, and as a result, these prayers became a part of the regular service. Maimonides also said that these prayers should be recited slowly and wholeheartedly, and that rushing through them as many who recite them daily do defeats their purpose.[3]
On Shabbat, holidays of Biblical origin, and Hoshana Rabbah, various psalms are added between Hodu and Yehi Khevod. The reason for additions is that no one has to rush off to work on these days, thereby allowing extra time for praise.[4]
Ashkenazi Judaism includes the followings psalms in the following order: 19, 33, 34, 90, 91, 135, 136, 92, and 93.[5]:142
Sephardic Judaism includes the followings psalms in the following order: 103, 19, 33, 90, 91, 98, 121, 122, 123, 124, 135, 136, 92, and 93.[5]:142
On Shabbat and Yom Tov, Nishmat is inserted between the Song of the sea and the closing blessing.
Following Nishmat, Shochein Ad is inserted. On Shabbat, the chazzan is changed prior to the recitation of Shochein Ad. On Yom Tov, this occurs one paragraph earlier (Hakel B'Tzatzumot). On High Holidays, the new chazzan takes over at the word Hamelekh.
There are questions as to whether women are required or even permitted to recite Pesukei Dezimra, given that it is considered by some to be a timebound commandment. The opinions either require women to recite it completely, prohibit its recitation among women, allow but not require its recitation, or allow its recitation but prohibit Barukh She'amar and Yishtabach from being recited.
Ashkenazi Judaism considers Pesukei Dezimra to be an obligation on the basis that it is not timebound, and it can be recited at any time of day.[6]:170
Opinions in Sephardic Judaism are divided.[6]:171 Some opinions allow women to recite Pesukei Dezimra without its accompanying blessings.[6]:184